Lights, Camera, Action!

9 min readSep 26, 2020


It is about the inner movie, one we call conscious experience! It is unscripted and unique to each of us. It has the trappings of an action thriller, horror, comedy, and tragedy all rolled into one. We all enter the scene naked. None of us knows how it unfolds! How can there be spoiler alerts? We all leave penniless when the lights go out!

The Screen

In a first-person sense, we all know what experience is. Bertrand Russell described it as the Knowledge by Acquaintance — consider a rose. We may try to describe it as a…




@higgsmass ✍️ ¾🦉⚛ 🧬 🧘🏽 ℒ🏃🏽ψ | Trained Physicist | Author In Training | Sharing Life-Lessons