Bushy Tail

Lessons From Mother Nature

5 min readApr 24, 2022
Photo by Ash from Modern Afflatus on Unsplash


Springtime heralds greenery, birdsong, and the emergence of new life. With the pandemic in our rear-view mirror, the suburban wildlife shows all signs of bouncing back. With humans temporarily getting out of their way and not many vehicles to mow them down, this spring has been bountiful with raccoons, squirrels, skunks, opossums, and songbirds. The eastern grey squirrels are especially a familiar sight.

Baby Squirrel — Image By Author

Bushy Tail

A couple of days ago, I noticed a young squirrel foraging in a nearby bush as I approached the porticoed gym entrance. He seemed like he wanted to follow me indoors. Instead of scurrying away, he stood stock-still by the door staring at me with gleaming eyes. I was hesitant to open the door, giving him a chance to get out of my way. But he wouldn’t budge. I might have stood there for all but a second, surmising his odd behavior. Then it happened in a flash. His defender dashed down from the rafters, startling me. She had come to his rescue. I stepped back to let the scene play out. Then it started making sense. The younger one’s back leg was injured. He desperately tried getting on his mother’s back, dragging…

