I am a physicist by training, but labels are just those. Certain identities get attached to us by way of growing up in society — and we either choose to maintain them or gradually develop our own as we navigate this world. But no matter the labels, I believe we are all humans. We all are striving to navigate this shared circumstance of life we entered butt-naked and penniless and are bound to leave. When we do, we leave behind only the fruits of our actions — the good, the bad and the ugly. I remain agnostic to what lies beyond, although, being a good Bayesian, I hold priors in matters that surface and grab my attention. I strive to update them as evidence accumulates, and for some of my priors, I may do it once and for all, should I get lucky in the end! For others, such time may never arrive! Regardless, the journey of life continues to be fulfilling to my heart’s content.
I took up writing when we were in the throes of COVID-19 (Aug 2020) pandemic because it was a defining period of my otherwise mundane existence. I had to do something to keep my mind occupied and away from the anxiety and uncertainty we all faced. And constructively use the limited, but precious time at hand. I may as well learn to write, I thought — a note to self as well as for my family. And so, I started writing — for my kids and family in the hope that they may (re-)discover these articles later on to get to know me and what I cared about and what matters mattered to me the most.
I regard this as a scientific love letter to them. As I learn and get my mind blown by this amazing experience, I am deeply in gratitude to many in my life that deemed I deserve a second chance. I am truly in debt and have no way to repay their kindness and generosity.
This is my feeble attempt at giving back — by sharing my life experience and journey seeking knowledge and its (hopefully!) maturation into wisdom. And it is a contingency that cannot be taken for granted. Thanks for reading and supporting. I am donating half of what I make here to givewell charities and the rest for books and coffee — which sustain my blogging (and coffee consuming) habits!
In case you wish to support, please do and is much appreciated!
— Dr. VK (Jun 14, 2021)